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Podeljene nagrade za leto 2007
Nagrade so bile podeljene v Klubu Triglav Panthers

 The winner of the NSW SLOVENIAN

nemesMarijaMarija Nemeš se je rodila v Budincih v Prekmurju v kmečki družini. Ko je bila stara 18 let, je odšla na sezonsko delo v Avstrijo, kjer se je spoznala s sorojakom Jožetom in se z njim poročila. Po prihodu v Avstralijo, sta se oba vključila v slovensko skupnost, prvo pri verskem središču sv. Rafaela v Merrylandsu, in pozneje pri Slovenskem društvu Sydney.

Maria or Micka as she is better known, was born in Slovenia but, as a young girl, spent 10 years working in Austria where she met her husband Joze who also comes from the same region of Slovenia. They arrived in Australia in 1975 as husband and wife.  They lived first in Villawood, and then rented in Granville before buying their current home at Merrylands in 1977. The whole family: Maria, Joze and their son Damijan, became involved with the Slovenian community at St. Raphael Slovenian Mission, where they helped with any work that needed to be done.

In November 2006 both Maria and Joze joined the Slovenian Association Sydney as committee members. Amongst other duties, they were responsible for the kitchen. Much work is needed to prepare home-style cooked meals, yet Maria and Joze did it weekend after weekend. They shopped during the week, helped with other chores at the club, and then worked long hours in the kitchen on weekends, cooking delicious and creative meals for appreciative members of the club and general public.

Prior to this, and since, both Maria and Joze would help in the kitchen at St. Rafael centre, cooking on numerous occasions for functions such as christening, funeral wakes, and other social or cultural functions.
Maria also cleans at St Rafael every week, generally looking after the hall, other public rooms and surrounding areas.

Congratulations, Maria, and thank you for the job always well done.


Marija Grosman iz Slovenskega Društva Tivoli in  Marija  Nemeš

80 - 84 Brisbane Road
St Johns Park NSW 2176
phone: (02) 9426 1000
fax: (02) 9823 2522
Trading hours
Sun - Mon: 10.00am - 10.30pm
Tue - Thu: 10.00am - 12.00am
Fri - Sat: 10.00am - 1.00am
Club Panthers St Johns ParkEmail naslov kluba Nagrajenci leta 2008
so bili:
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