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The Triglav Mounties club is open every day from ten in the morning until late in the evening.

MOTHERS DAY  LUNCh  SUNDAY 12. May- 12.00 PM  Continental lunch menu ,live  entertainment,  prizes  to be won & entertainment for the  kids   face  painting  .                                Booking’s Essential  
Tel.(02) 9426 1000
Thursday  25  May -  THE  BIGGEST  MORNING  TEA BINGO 10.30 AM-        MORNING  TEA FROM 11. AM
In  memoriam   of  the  late  ALICE  TANT!

Sunday,16nd of June at – 12.PM  SLOVENIAN National  Day and Slovenian  Community awards for year 2023,Live  music  by  Alpine   Echos.  

Bingo: MONDAY,TUESDAY AND THURSDAY MORNINGS 10 AM                             
Trivia: WEDNESDAY EVENING                                                                     
See you at Triglav Mounties!
Jackey Luu,
Venue Manager Triglav  Mounties Group       


Klub Triglav Mounties  je odprt  vsak  dan  od desete ure dopoldne do  pozne  ure  zvečer.                                        Mother’s Day Lunch,                                                 Sunday 12 May12.00pm , Continental KOSILO                                  ŽIVA  ZABAVA , NAGRADE   ZA  OTROKE, BARVANJE  OBRAZOV, REZERVACIJE   NUJNe  Tel.(02) 9426 1000
BINGO 10.30 AM-         JUTRANJI  ČAJ  OD 11. AM
v spomin pokojne  ALICE  TANT!

ZGLASBOAlpskih   Odmevov


Zanimivosti (Trivia  ): SREDA ZVEČER
Mesna loterija: PETEK ZVEČER
Se vidimo na Triglavu!

                 Jacqey  Luu, vodja prireditev
                 Skupina Triglav Mounties




Speech by H.E. Marko Ham, Ambassador
of the Republic of Slovenia to Australia

on the occasion of the International Women's Day
Triglav Mounties Club
Sydney, 4th March 2024

In a few days, the world will celebrate International Women's Day, which this year focuses on the importance of investing in women for faster progress for the benefit of all.  The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

While important progress has been made, globally women still face significant obstacles to achieving equal participation in the economy. We must ensure women and girls are given equal opportunity to build their capabilities and strengthen their capacity to learn, earn and lead. The fact is that gender equality remains one of the biggest human rights challenges, which limits the possibilities for economic and social progress.

The series of global crises and the spread of conflicts around the world have strengthened inequalities in and between societies, the number of people living in extreme poverty is increasing, and at the same time, there is also an increasing proportion of women and girls among them. The global increase in food and fuel prices have negative consequences for public spending in the following years, and austerity measures often affect access to essential public services and social protection.

The vicious cycle of poverty among women and girls stems from their unequal access to quality education, unequal employment conditions, as well as unequal pay for equal work. Around the world, women and girls do up to three times more unpaid work than men and boys. The monetary value of this unpaid work is estimated at US$10.8 trillion globally, which is three times the value of the entire technology industry worldwide. At the same time, this work is not shown with an economic value, as it is not included in indicators such as gross domestic product.

International and non-governmental organizations that advocate for women's rights and greater social equality play an important role in solving poverty and discrimination against women and girls, so it is important to support them, including financially in their work. Slovenia pledged that by 2030, at least 85% of development projects and programs would include activities for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Slovenia has witnessed a progress in political representation of women in the last two years. Women are occupying some of the highest and most prestigious positions in our politics: President of the Republic, Speaker of the Parliament and a record high number of the MPs - 37,8%, which is still under 50%. Slovenia’s Vice Prime minister and Foreign minister is a woman along with other 6 colleagues, meaning 7 out of 20 members of the current government are women. Australia is doing even better: Women make up 44.5 per cent of the 47th Australian Parliament and 43.5 per cent of Cabinet. Both countries are doing better that the OECD average which in 2023 was 33.8 percent.

For Foreign ministry gender equality is a priority, so my Minister decided to join the initiative of a group of progressive countries that have formally incorporated feminism into their foreign policy strategy. Slovenia has always been committed to equal opportunities, gender equality and human rights. However, feminist foreign policy will now be officially enshrined as a modern, future-oriented policy promoting gender equality at home and abroad.

In the organisational structure of the Ministry, feminist foreign policy is already reflected in the gender balance of the heads of directorates; the secretariat is headed by a female Secretary-General and Slovenia ranks high among EU member states in terms of the number of female ambassadors.

Feminism is also a cross-cutting theme in the new foreign policy strategy being developed by the Ministry. In this way, Slovenia will further strengthen its bilateral and multilateral relations to promote respect for the rights of women and girls and their economic, political and social empowerment, including through development and humanitarian aid.

My Minister last said: "When we talk about a feminist foreign policy, we also think about girls and women around the world who cannot use public toilets for fear of being sexually harassed; We “see” girls in Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Ukraine and too many war-torn countries who cannot go to school; who are forced to marry; We “see” women who suffer horrific sexual violence, rape used as a weapon of war. Addressing these real problems of women all around the world is a feminist foreign policy".  

According to analysis conducted by the World Economic Forum, it would take at least another 130 years to close the gender gap. "We must all strive for equality and justice. Together. Global social justice IS achievable. But for these efforts to succeed, it is vital to create a different culture of dialogue and cooperation, a different way of leading and building partnerships – between men and women, between civil society and politics, between countries around the world".

That is why we must raise our voices, not only on International Women’s Day, but every day, for all those women and girls – at home and around the world who are discriminated against, who are scorned, who are invisible.



Govor Stefanie FabjanciČ Članice posvetovalnega odbora Kluba Triglav na proslavi
Mednarodnega Dneva Žena v Klubu Triglav Sydney .

stephanieFabjancicGood afternoon everyone and welcome to today’s International Women’s Day celebration at Triglav Club Mounties. My name is Stefanie Fabjancic, and I’m not only one of the newest members of the Triglav Mounties sub-committee, I’m also the only woman – which makes being asked to give an address in this room today, extra meaningful.

On this particular day, we should first take a moment to identify those waves of change across history that enabled the cause of equality to surge forward.

For me personally, I think of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, when women began the fight for the right to vote and for equal pay for equal work. I can’t even begin to imagine a world where those rights did not exist. I now have the freedom to follow my passions, work where I want, and vote for whom I want.

But in my view, I believe another wave of change is building again. We saw a report released only recently, that highlighted the gender pay gap across organisations in this country, indicating that men are still more likely to be in higher paying positions than women. We know, society produces better outcomes when we have a diversity of views in positions of power, so equalling the playing field in areas of power, like boards and government is still a job to be done.

The challenge I see now, is to envision not just how we achieve equality, but how we champion equity. While gender equality is simply focused on providing men and women with the same equal opportunities, gender equity works to correct historical and structural wrongs that have left women behind.

A focus on equity bridges the gaps in equality through laws and policies and gender-focused programs that don’t just level the playing field, but also work to change the culture to be more supportive of women.
Equity is a little more difficult, because it asks us to put ourselves in the shoes of another and understand how their experience in the world is different to yours. The tools and opportunities that have led to success for men for decades past, are not necessarily going to propel women in the same way.

Women are more likely to take time out of work to care for family members, they can spend anywhere from two to ten times more time on unpaid care work than men, one in seven women in Australia have lost their job while on maternity leave, and women on average lose 7 years’ worth of full-time earnings over their lifetime to account for all these additional responsibilities.

Equality is offering the same pay for the same job to a male and female worker. Equity is understanding that these workers will go through the world in completely different ways, and the tools in place to support their success should not only reflect that but be as diverse as the experiences themselves.

 Achieving equity is about being an ally for the difference experiences and world women face. But don’t forget, being an ally is not a static role. It’s an active, iterative process, a choice we all must make every day, and one that happens not just by doing what we think is best, but by listening to others, understanding their needs and following their lead.

To end I’d like to share a quote by Sheryl Sandberg, a woman who has worked hard against the existing societal and structural barriers still in place for women, and achieved extensive career success. She said, “In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.”
I believe when we reach that day, we know we will have truly achieved equity for women.
So on that note, please never stop taking pause to consider how the important women in your life experience the world around you, and never stop listening and being an ally for their causes. Thank you.



Vsak  od  nas  vam bo  povedal,  kako  veseli  smo  bili  obiskovalcev  iz  domovine,  ki  jih je bilo kar  večje  število. Denis  Novato, Helena Blagne  in  drugi, še  posebno  smo  pa  bili veseli našega   starega  prijatelja,  Patra  Cirila  Božiča, misionarke Marije  Anžič in  ne  nazadnje   novega  prijatelja, dr. Renata Podbersiča.

Dr Renato Podbersic, Martha Magajna in  Peter  Krope  Pri Ivanu   Cankarju  v  Klubu  Triglav,


Dr Renato Podberšič  je  prtšel na pogovor  s Petrom  Kropejem  in  menoj  v  soboto v  klub  Triglav in  moram   priznati,   da  nisem   bila  pripravljena   na   pogovor,    Naša  zgodovina .- osebna  in  klubska je  bila  zapletena in je zavzemala  dolga  leta’.’ in  več  knjig,
Drugi  dan smo  prisostvovali sveti  maši pri  svetem  Rafaelu, katero je  vodil pater Ciril z lepo pridigo  za  tem smo  najprej  imeli   v dvorani  malo  maškarade in krofov, kosilo  pa nas je čakalo v klubu Triglav,, skupaj  z večjim  številom starih prijateljev patra Cirila.
Po  stari  navadi smo  se  vsi  skupaj  slikali   pred kipom Ivana Cankarja in dr Podberšič je napravil še nekaj pomembnih  pogovorov, nakar so  se  gostje  odpravili v  Wollongong,  kjer  jih  je  pričakovala  naslednja  slovenska   skupnost.  


Predsednik  Peter Krope   z  gosti


Ivan  Cankar in vsi   gostje in  prijatelji



odborTriglav2023 LOJZE  MAGAJNA   ODBORNIK




Slovenski klub Triglav
je bil ustanovljen leta 1971 in bil registriran pod imenom Triglav Pty Ltd. Od nakupa majhne farme s kmečko hišo je klub naraščal ...več >>

peterKropePeter Krope
of Advisory Committee

martaMagajnaMartha Magajna
Public Relations
for Slovenian Affairs
at Triglav


Bocce every Wednesday from 12.30pm to 5.00pm.


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