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Stičišče avstralskih Slovencev je redno arhivirano v Pandora arhivu v Canberricanberra

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Antologija slovenskih glasbenikov v Avstraliji
na radiu Ognjišče, 28. aprila 2016,
Tone Gorjup v pogovoru s patrom Cirilom Božičem OFM OAM EV in Katarino Vrisk,
oddajo vodi Matjaž Merljak

V Melbournu v Avstraliji je izšla obsežna antologija slovenskega glasbenega ustvarjanja na peti celini avtorice Katarine Vrisk, učiteljice glasbe in organistke v slovenski cerkvi v Melbournu.

Delo ima v izvirniku naslov Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians. Avtorica je na dan izzida, 8. februarja, na Prešernov dan 2016, prek družabnega omrežja Facebook zapisala: »A most important day in my life - my books have arrived!« (Najpomembnejši dan v mojem življenju - knjige so prišle!)


I was so absorbed in the book …
It’s fabulous, a great record of what so many of us have done inside and outside of the Slovenian Community.  Thank you for persevering - it really is good.

Congratulations on completing your book, I am SO impressed!
Draga Katarina, Čestitam vam za uspešno delo.

Dear Katarina,
How wonderful to meet you in person!

My mother was also so happy to see the article, and we are all looking forward to reading the whole book and listening to the recordings.

Hi Katarina, take bow for a fantastic effort in compiling your great book. Researched, documented & presented beautifully. it has been a joy to read. Wishing all the very best & thanks. Blown away.

The book is very well presented and everyone that will read it will appreciate it.

I wish to congratulate you for the great work you have undertone and completed. It is a great testimony of Slovenian presence in Australia during the past sixty years of our arrival and settlement in Australia. Well done!  We must also express our thanks to all the people who have contributed towards the work of collating, gathering, editing, providing photos….  The event that you prepared at Sts Cyril and Methodius Hall was wonderful, a true celebration of an era marked by Slovenian popular music.

I've only had a chance to have a quick glimpse through the book, but WOW!
Very impressive. I wasn't expecting that!
Well done, you must be very proud of yourself.

Dr Zvone Žigon je prejel knjigo na Uradu za Slovence po svetu

Draga Katarina,
thank you so much for 3 copies of your monumental work! CONGRATULATIONS again!!!

I put everything on our web site:
it is also on web portal  

You and me spoke with Helena Janezic and I strongly suggest that you start planning a tour to SLO for 2017 (Ljubljana, Postojna, Škofja Loka, Trst...)!

Have a nice weekend!


Katarina, GREAT JOB! Got the book on Friday and read 70% over the weekend.  So comprehensive and so many interesting stories.
Thank you for sending the book and CD’s so quickly.  We are amazed how big it is and you have done an excellent job. Congrats!  We love our story and our friends have seen it and they love it too. Thanks again .........great job !!!

Nastajanju Vaše knjige sem sledila preko portala Stičišče avstralskih Slovencev in preko Facebooka. Za tako velik podvig in trdo delo skozi več let Vam iskreno čestitam!
Zelo se že veselim, da bo knjiga dobila mesto tudi v naši Narodni knjižnici. S kolegom Tomažem Beštrom komaj čakava, da knjigo vidiva tudi v živo.
danes sem prejel tvoje dragoceno darilo in velika hvala ti za lepo in zelo zanimivo knjigico. Si pa res veliko truda vložila v tako obširen projekt, ki bo osvetlil tudi glasbeno dogajanje pri vas v Avstraliji. Še enkrat ti hvala!!!!!!

I have your book in front of me and it is really an amazing work! I would like to thank you, that you sent it to our National Library. Congratulations again!
Vceraj sem za darilo prejela vaso knjigo  'Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians'. Hvala lepa za zares veliko in odlicno opravljeno delo!
Thank you so much for 3 copies of your monumental work! CONGRATULATIONS again!!!

Have not had the time to really go through the book, there will be hours of reading, what I have seen is very impressive, congratulations on such a great job!  I feel exhausted just thinking about the work involved!  You must feel good that it is all over!


Spoštovana ga. Katarina!
Vaš sorodnik mi je dostavil vašo knjigo in iskrena hvala za to. Vsebuje veliko podatkov, ki nam bodo prišli prav pri spremljanju slovenske skupnosti v Avstraliji.
Ko imam pred seboj obsežno knjigo,  se šele dodobra zavedam kako veliko  delo ste opravili. Vse priznanje! Antologija je tudi dokaz bogate dejavnosti naših rojakov na glasbenem področju na peti celini.
Kapo dol, bi rekli pri nas. In še veliko uspešnega dela vam želim.
Toni Laterner

Knjigo je prejela tudi Helena Janežič v NUK-u Ljubljana, na fotografiji s Tomažem Bešterjem, ki je sodeloval pri zbiranju podatkov za knjigo.


Radio Slovenija

Oddaja Slovencem po svetu, pogovor Katarine Vrisk s Tonijem Laternerjem, urednikom oddaje
/pogovor v oddaji po 45 minuti/

Antologija Slovensko Avstralskih glasbenikov
predstavljena v Sydneyu

Preteklo nedeljo je bila pri Klubu Triglav predstavljena knjiga Antologija Slovensko avstralskih glasbenikov v Sydneyu. Po uspešnem popoldnevu smo se pogovarjali z avtorico knjige Katarino Vrisk o predstavah v Melbournu, Hobartu in Sydneyu in kaj...

Srečanje folkloristov in predstavitev knjige pri
Klubu Triglav v Sydneyu

Peter Krope, predsednik Kluba Triglav v Sydneyu vabi vse na srečanje Folkloristov in predstavitev knjige Antologije Slovensko Avstralskih Glasbenikov, ki bo v nedeljo 20. marca. /4 MAR 2016/

Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians Book launches in
Victoria and New South Wales
Radio SBS, interview with Katarina Vrisk by Lenti Lenko

Katarina Vrisk is the author of the soon to be launched book, Anthology Of Slovenian Australian Musicians.
There will be two book launches: in Melbourne at the Slovenian Mission in Kew on February 21 and in Sydney at Triglav Club on March 20. 2016

Izredno uspešna prireditev Kluba Triglav
"C'mon just dance with us! " in
predstavitev knjige Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians, avtorice Katarine Vrisk s
predstavitvijo Kuclerjeve harmonike in njene zgodovine

Photo: Florjan Auser

Peter Krope, predsednik odbora Kluba Triglav je predstavil zgodovino folklore v klubu in najavil celotno prireditev

Plesalci folklornih skupin

Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians

Katarina Vrisk je predstavila občinstvu knjigo Antologija slovensko avstralskih glasbenikov

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Predstavitev knjige Katarine Vrisk


Hello/dober dan everyone, my name is Katarina Vrisk. I am the author of Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians/Antologija Slovensko-Avstralskih Glasbenikov. Thank you for coming along today to celebrate the reunion of the folk dance groups and launch of this book and to celebrate the amazing musicians in our Slovenian Australian community. I am so very happy to be here.
The main reason I wrote this book was to document my father’s story.  Anton Vrisk was initially a self-taught musician and played in a band in a migrant camp in Asten, Austria in the mid to late 1950s. When he came to Australia, he had some lessons with a Polish music teacher who asked him to play with his jazz band. Not having a car made it difficult and he soon had to give it away. He was coaxed into joining a band ‘Slovenski Fantje’ ‘Slovenian Boys’ in 1971 by accordionist Ivan Hace. They played one gig – the first New Year’s Eve dance for the new Slovenian club Planica. People danced so much that in one section of the dance floor, the floorboard broke! That night was the start of another 30 years involved in music.

A project as big as this and produced to this quality involves a great deal of finances. I could not have produced this without the generous assistance of my sponsors. I would like to sincerely thank the following organisations and individuals for their recognition of the importance of this work and their financial support:

Minister Gorazd Žmavc from the Ministry for Slovenians Abroad in the government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Slovenian Catholic Mission Sts Ciril and Methodius in Kew, Melbourne
The Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria
Historical Archives for Slovenian Australians (HASA NSW)
Slovenian Media House
Alfred and Mrs Jeni Brežnik
Mr Frank and Mrs Greta Prosenik
Ms Marija Anžič

I deliberately left one sponsor out because I’d like their President, Mr Kevin Ingram and President of the Triglav Advisory Board Peter Krope to come forward. As they are making their way here, I would like to thank them for providing this lovely venue today for the Anthology book launch and folk dancers reunion.
In appreciation of the belief and significant financial support that Triglav Mounties Club have had in my project, I would like to present a signed copy of my book Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians, and a set of 2 CDs on which there are 70 recordings of artists from within the book. Please accept this as a token of my appreciation and proof that I actually finished it! 

Now, I’d like to call up Florjan Auser from Slovenian Media House. Florjan took the project on after my graphic designer of three years, Sarah Woods could no longer work on the project from January 2015. After sleepless nights and tears worrying about how I was going to finish, I found Florjan which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Florjan brought more stories to light from his knowledge of the NSW and QLD communities. He worked above and beyond the call of duty to help me complete the final edits to bring the Anthology to its conclusion, and used his own photographic library freely. I have much gratitude for you sharing the same passion for documenting this history of Slovenian Australians and I thank you for sharing your knowledge which helped to make this even more comprehensive. Please accept this signed book and a set of CDs for your hard work. Najlepša hvala!

Now I would like to call upon Martha Magajna from HASA NSW. There is a wealth of knowledge here in Sydney, carefully documented and organised by a dedicated team of volunteers. They produced a book called ‘Fruits of our Slovenian Heritage’ ‘Sadovi Slovenske Dediščine’ which was a great start for knowing what choirs and bands existed here in NSW. I used that book extensively and I thank Olga Lah for giving me permission to use extracts from the book. I also approached the members of HASA NSW to help with more detail about those stories and additional photos to compliment these. In particular, I want to thank Marija Grosman and Martha Magajna. Martha is a tireless worker for this community. She has a vast knowledge of people and events. This was shown in her very detailed work on the story about the Triglav Choir. In appreciation for the work of HASA NSW and its President, Martha Magajna, I would like to present a copy of Anthology and a set of CDs for their archives so that future generations can read about all the wonderful people and groups that were around from the 1960s.


While researching stories from here, it became apparent that there was a rich, cultural history to untap. Stories came to light such as young lady Katelin Koprivec who has won many awards in the Sydney Eisteddfod; Othon Mestnik, who originally lived in Melbourne then moved to Sydney and found the love of his life. He performed in a professional production of Kismet in 1955, even though he could not speak a word of English; Rebecca Keen inspires tomorrow’s generation in her work as a primary teacher; Vivien Boosz-Falež who studied Voice with an esteemed singing teacher in Paris and sang in many productions with the Rockdale Opera Company; many other names including: Kara Stariha, Martin Konda, Nicholas Kobal, Oskar Urbas, Rudi Črnčec, Miriam Stariha and Sue Zec, Simon and Mateja Koštrica, Southern Stars, Vocal Quartet Planica, Flute Quartet, Rafko Lavter, Slovenian Choirs in Canberra, Wollongong, St Raphael Merrylands, Škrjančki with Ludvik Klakočer, Zarja, Nove Steze, Zlati Glas, Rožmarin pod juznem soncem, Slovenska Kmečka Godba, The Altar Boys, Mavrica, Svetla Zvedza, Silver Strings, Ensemble and Quartet Šernek, Krystal, Alpine Echoes, Vlado Kunstelj and The Masters, Cheap Expense, Planica, Ensemble Lipa, Happy Gorenjci, Psycho Zydeco, Black Baron, Božidar Kos, David Jakša, Frank Bresnik, Pavla Gruden and Vesna Hateźič.

In addition to the stories, there are 5 special features in the book including the Slovenian youth concerts and the extremely successful 1972 Australian tour of the Lojze Slak Ensemble and Fantje iz Praprotna. The first special feature between chapters 1 and 2 is about the beloved instrument, the accordion. I wrote this very early on and had it checked over by Lenti Lenko for all the technical information and I thought that was it. As we were working through editing the pages, Florjan told me about an incredible story to do with the first accordion makers in Slovenia and the Australian connection. I was totally surprised and immediately thought that I need this story in the book. I won’t say much more about it but I’d like to introduce the next speaker, Mr Alfred Brežnik, who will tell you more of this incredible story. 

Katarina Vrisk predaja knjigo Kevinu Ingramu, predsedniku Mounties Group, sponzorju Antologije

Martha Magajna je v imenu HASA NSW, prejela knjigo v znak zahvale za sodelovanje pri projektu

Prisrčen stisk rok avtorice knjige in Jeni Brežnik, hčerke pokojnega Toneta Kuclerja, iz družine prvih izdelovalcev harmonik na slovenskih tleh

Alfred Brežnik AM, je predstavil zgodovino harmonike in tragedijo družine Kucler.

Distinguished guests - my dear friends!

Firstly allow me to congratulate the management of the Triglav – Mounties Club for organizing today's event. Actually, to be correct, there are two events with a very important historic connotation. The Reunion of the Folklore dancers – that is, members of the many dancing groups that existed and were performing throughout many decades in our community. And, the Sydney launching of the book: 'Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians' by Katarina Vrisk. Both are an expression of Slovenian culture in this country and are important for the preservation of the heritage of our community.
The Anthology, a mammoth project indeed, is the result of 6 ½ years and thousands of hours of research and effort by the author, along with a team of helpers and contributors. The final product has 7 chapters, 5 'Special Features' and a comprehensive introductory section. It is an historical document to highlight the achievements and give recognition to the hundreds of people within the pages – to quote the author.

And for this, the author, deserves the highest recognition - CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU KATARINA! Great job!

Some of you may wonder what have I got to do with this project. To my and my family's surprise, a special feature section of the book describes the history of Kucler accordions. The Kucler family came from a tiny village called Drenov grič near Vrhnika in Slovenia, where in mid-1860, Ivan Kucler first started manufacturing accordions.

According to an article in the daily newspaper 'Jutro' dated 7. July 1927, Ivan Kucler was in fact the first accordion maker in Jugoslavia, of which Slovenia was then part. Ivan passed his accordion making craft to his son Franc, who in turn passed his skills to the next generation of Kucler brothers, Polde and Tone. The second generation, under Franc Kucler, developed the business to such a degree that it employed up to 10 workers. The quality and particular sound of Kucler accordions made them popular and in high demand. Besides selling in Slovenia, orders were received from Austria, Germany, France and even the USA. Generations of the Kucler family were also well known musicians and accordion players performing all over the region.

The Kucler legacy as accordion manufacturers continues today. The Železnik brothers from Vrhnika, who learnt their craft at the Kucler workshop, can trace their influence to today's manufacturers, including Ruter and others.

There is however a tragic part to the Kucler story. During WWII, the occupying forces punished the Kucler family harshly for their patriotic resistance. On 26 August, 1942, accused of supporting the resistance, occupying forces burnt the Kucler home and accordion factory. They shot Franc and took Antonija, his wife, as hostage to Ljubljana, where she was also executed. Even more tragically, all five Kucler sons Anton, Polde, Franc, Stanko and Sandi died fighting the occupying forces. This brought to an end the tradition of Kucler accordion manufacturing and performances.

You may still be asking why am I telling you this story? Well, firstly because I have been asked by Katarina and secondly because my dear wife Jeni is the daughter of Anton (Tone) Kucler, one of the five sons killed in action during the war. She is also the granddaughter of Franc Kucler, under whom the business grew and expanded most. In its time, the Kucler factory produced traditional button or diatonic accordions, as well as chromatic and piano accordions. Our family is in possession of four original Kucler accordions that survived the war years, one of which, a diatonic, is proudly on display. To appreciate its quality and sound, our son and Tone's grandson Mark will play it for you.

May I use this opportunity and thank the author Katarina Vrisk for the inclusion of the Kucler story in the book as well as Florijan Auser for his outstanding research on the Kucler family history.

Thank you for listening.

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Govor Alfreda Brežnika AM

Jeni Brežnik, Peter Krope in Mark Brežnik, vnuk pokojnega Kuclerja

Mark Brežnik, lastnik družinske harmonike, je s ponosom zaigral na eno od najstarejših slovenskih harmonik

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Mark Brežnik je zaigral na Kuclerjevo harmoniko

Kuclerjeva harmonika v rokah Rudija Črnčca, strokovnjaka na diatoničnih harmonikah, Rudijev komentar na ta biser pa je bil, da je "mladenka pri svojih 90 letih" izreden instrument s posebnim tonom, ki ga dosedaj še ni srečal v svoji karieri

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Mark Brežnik, Henry Stariha, Rudi Črnčec in Mark Stariha, vsi so si z občudovanjem ogledovali in preizkušali Kuclerjevo harmoniko, do tega dne skoraj nepoznano zgodovino slovenske harmonike

Štefan Šernek, vodja ansambla Alpski odmevi, Mark Brežnik, glasbenik Paul, Katarina Vrisk in Florjan Auser na mizi spredaj Kuclerjeva harmonika

Tanja Smrdel, urednica slovenskih oddaj na radiu SBS in Katarina Vrisk

Rudi Črnčec, Martha Magajna, Katarina Vrisk in vodja ansambla The Masters Vlado

Glasbeniki so si izmenjevali izkušnje preteklih let.

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Alpski odmevi

Predstavitev knjige Katarine Vrisk v Merrylandsu

Pater Darko je predstavil avtorico Katarino Vrisk



Katarina Vrisk in Erika Žižek

Video posnetek prireditve v Melbournu

Adrian Vatovec je celotno prireditev spremljal s kamero, posnetek je dosegljiv na YouTub-u

Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians Book
Predstavitev v Melbournu
21. februarja 2016


21. februarja je v nabito polni dvorani v Kew, v Melbournu, Katarina Vrisk predstavila knjigo Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians.
Zagotovo je to njeno življensko delo! /Op.Ur./

Na predstavitvi je bila prisotna tudi veleposlanica RS v Canberri Helena Drnovšek Zorko, na fotografiji zgoraj.
Vsekakor čestitke avtorici ob tako pomembnem delu!

pater Ciril Božič OFM OAM EV, na predstavitvi knjige z avtorico Katarino Vrisk.
Obraz avtorice Katarine pove vse o njenem šestletnem delu in naporu, prečutih nočeh in razbremenitev, ter ponos ob današnjem dogodku.





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