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NSW Slovenian Australian Awards 2008
Life Time Achievement Award
Presented on 21 June 2009


sofija danilo sajn

Danilo in Sofija Šajn were both born during the Italian ocupation in Primorska - Southern region of Slovenia. Danilo left Slovenia in 1956 and arrived in Australia via Italy in 1957. Hard working and reliable, he soon found a job in Sydney. He got to know Sofija through mutual friends. They  married by proxy and Sofija arrived in Australia in 1961.They had two childrem, a son Joseph and daughter Danica.

They built their first home in Blacktown. Later they bought a farm at Edmonson Park, where Sofija's dream of owning a farm came true. She was always a farmer by heart, and by working hard, they soon had cows, goats, dogs, chickens and vegetables to feed the family and half of their many friends.

They joined Triglav Club in the early days and soon became the club's greatest  supporters. Danilo took part in all heavy work around the club, either by hand or his own heavy machinery. Most of the concreting around the club is his work. When the building was finished, he mowed the grass and maintained the grounds.

Sofija joined the club's committee and worked hard: serving, cooking and  other volunteer work, she sang in the choir and even took part in the Drama Group. Both of them were bocce players in their spare time and Sofija still plays, while Danilo is a faithful supporter.

SOFIJA IN DANILO ŠAJN, oba družabna in dobrosrčna, sta na domači kmetiji rada zbirala prijatelje in jim postregla z dobro domačo hrano in vinsko kapljico, posebno obiskovalce iz Slovenije. Za časa olimpijade je Sofija nosila slovenskim paraolimpijcem lonce domače juhe za priboljšek. Danes sta oba preko osemdeset let, še vedno zdrava in čvrsta. Ko sta pred nekaj časa prodala kmetijo, sta takoj kupila drugo, saj ne moreta živeti brez dela. Sofija še vedno oskrbuje prijatelje z domačimi jajci in zelenjavo ali s kozarci domačega vina, ki ga Danilo sam prideluje. Nikoli ne mine teden, da se ne bi srečala s prijatelji v klubu Triglav Panthers.
Želimo obema še veliko zdravih in srečnih let skupaj.!     


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